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Analysis of Individual Disability Income Table

The Society of Actuaries Health Section Research Committee is pleased to make available two reports analyzing industry Individual Disability Income (IDI) claim incidence and termination experience trends relative to the 2013 IDI Valuation Table base incidence and termination rates. Also included on this page is a history of IDI referenced in the Claim Incidence report. The material was authored by Robert Beal of Milliman Inc.


Individual Disability Claim Termination Trends 1990–2007 Relative to the 2013 IDI Valuation Base Table

Individual Disability Claim Incidence Trends, 1990–2006, Relative to the 2013 IDI Valuation Base Table

Individual Disability Income Insurance in the United States

Thank You

The SOA would like to thank the following individuals for serving on the Project Oversight Group:

Tom Corcoran
Carl Desrochers
Chris Haire
Josh Hammerquist
Chuck Meintel
Bram Spector
Steve Siegel, SOA Research Actuary
Barbara Scott, SOA Sr. Research Administrator

Questions Or Comments?

If you have comments or questions, please send an email to