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Call for Papers Living to 100 Symposium VII January 13-15, 2020


Research Insights – Living to 100 2020 Call for Papers.


I. Overview

In January of 2020 the Society of Actuaries (SOA) will present its seventh triennial international Living to 100 (LT100) Symposium in Orlando, Florida. This Call For Papers is addressed to professionals knowledgeable in the subject matter and interested in preparing a high quality paper for the symposium that will advance knowledge in the important area of longevity and its consequences. Collaboration is encouraged and authors may submit more than one paper.

With the support of more than 20 organizations from around the world, past symposia brought together thought leaders from as many as 10 countries to share ideas and knowledge on aging, changes in survival rates and their impact on society, institutions and individuals. It is noteworthy that at each of the past symposia, there has been an increasing emphasis on practical implications and methods that can be used to effectively respond to the challenges and opportunities created. The symposia not only provide a forum for discussion but also allow time and opportunity for networking.

A diverse range of professionals, scientists, academics, and practitioners are expected at this prestigious event to discuss the latest scientific information on how and why we age, methodologies for estimating current and future rates of survival, potential benefits and risks associated with the increasing numbers of retirees and potential answers to other difficult related issues.

Further information regarding Symposium content may be found in the Content section of this Call For Papers.

In addition to writing a paper in response to this call, there will be two additional opportunities for individuals to contribute content and participate: a call for essays and a call for presentations:

  • Essays will be shorter and less formal than papers and will not be peer-reviewed.  Specific rules and eligible topics will be announced in a formal call for essays expected to be released in the second half of 2018.  Selected essays will be presented at the Living to 100 Symposium.
  • Presentations, without an accompanying formal paper.  A limited number of such presentations will be considered for the final program.

One of the goals of these additional calls will be to provide and encourage participation of those who may not be able to prepare a formal paper, but can provide practical ideas, case studies, and existing applications within the scope of the Symposium.

The outcome of each LT100 symposium is a lasting body of research to educate and aid professionals and policymakers in identifying, analyzing and managing the potential needs of future advanced-age populations. This body of knowledge, papers and discussions, as well as digests of panel sessions, is accessible on the SOA website.

II. Dates and Location on the Symposium

The Symposium is scheduled for January 13–15, 2020 in Orlando, Florida, USA at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista.

III. Content

The Committee on Living to 100 Research Symposia is seeking papers exploring aging, longevity and their implications. A list of suggested topics is presented below. The list is neither complete nor restrictive, but rather is intended to stimulate ideas and describe some topics that might be addressed in a paper that will contribute significantly to current theory, knowledge or methodology.

The organization and order of the following possible topics should not be considered as implying the final structure of the Symposium program or the importance that the Symposium sponsors give to the topics listed.

  1. Understanding the issues:
    1. Mortality/longevity
    2. Morbidity
    3. Quality of Life
    4. Relations between mortality/longevity, morbidity and the quality of life
    5. Effects of developments in genetics, medicine and disease management
    6. Effects of changes in behavior and the environment
    7. Effects of demographic characteristics
    8. Effects of individual and contextual (community) level socioeconomic characteristics
    9. Ongoing research, including medical, biological and aging research
  2. Data sources for mortality, morbidity, quality of life measurement and projection:
    1. Availability and new efforts/projects to collect data
    2. Data accuracy and methods to improve data accuracy
    3. Public and private sources
    4. Results of experience studies
  3. Modeling and projection techniques:
    1. Emerging models and projection techniques
    2. Critique and comparisons of existing models and projection techniques
    3. By cause of death/disability or demographic characteristic / population segment
    4. Uncertainty and stochastic modeling
    5. Modeling and projection issues
  4. Implications for society, institutions and individuals, as well as changes needed to support a growing aging population:
    1. Related public policy issues and potential solutions
    2. To retirement systems, and insurance, savings and health care industries including opportunities resulting from an increasing aged population
    3. To individuals and the aged in all life phases
    4. Effect on morbidity and quality of life before and after retirement
    5. To future jobs and associated consequences for both younger and older employees and institutions
  5. Management of longevity risk:
    1. By society – effective communication, public understanding
    2. By institutions – prospects for research, methods for transferring and managing longevity risk, such as pension plan longevity risk transfer and hedging longevity risk through capital markets, as well as new risk transfer methods
    3. By individuals – financial strategies, housing and changes in behavior and lifestyle
  6. Application of existing or new longevity techniques, data, theories, models or methods to actuarial practice:
    1. Longevity risk measurement, mitigation, and management
    2. Pricing and valuation of insurance, annuity products, and pension plans
    3. Development of mortality and morbidity tables
    4. Risk classification

International comparisons and insights into any of the above issues are welcome.

The SOA intends to publish all accepted papers on its Website. In addition, some papers may be published in other SOA publications such as the North American Actuarial Journal, the refereed journal of the Society of Actuaries.

IV. Procedures for Submission of Abstracts

Please submit an abstract or outline of your proposed paper by August 30, 2018. The abstract should include a brief description of the subject of the paper, data sources and methods to be used, key items to be covered and how your paper will contribute to current knowledge, theory, and/or methodology. A brief curriculum vitae or resume for each author is also required.

Submit the information by email to: Jan Schuh, Research Administrator


V. Procedure for Reviewing Abstracts

The Committee on Living to 100 Research Symposia will review and evaluate all submitted abstracts. Input from other knowledgeable individuals or sponsors also may be sought. The primary purpose of this review is to assemble the program for the symposium and to assure that the set of papers accepted will be appropriate for presentation at the symposium and subsequent publication. A final determination as to the papers invited to present will be made after all abstracts and papers have been submitted and reviewed. The SOA reserves the right to not accept any papers not meeting the standards established by the Committee on Living to 100 Research Symposia.

The Committee will notify authors as soon as possible but no later than October 31, 2018 about their decision to accept, accept subject to revision, or decline each abstract submitted.

VI. Procedure for Submissions and Review of Papers

All papers, based on accepted abstracts, must be completed and submitted no later than April 30, 2019. An updated brief curriculum vitae or resume for each author is also required. The procedure for submission of papers includes the following specific guidelines:

  • Papers must be in English and must not have been published elsewhere
  • Your paper will be posted electronically on our Web site for attendees prior to the symposium.
  • Submissions should be made electronically to Jan Schuh at

Because of limited time during the symposium, not all accepted papers can be guaranteed for presentation at the symposium. The Committee on Living to 100 Research Symposia will review the papers for consistency with the accepted abstract and make a final determination as to the papers to be invited for presentation at the symposium. It is anticipated that travel and lodging expenses up to a specified amount for an author selected to present a paper at the symposium will be reimbursed. If a paper has multiple authors, travel and lodging expenses for only one author will be reimbursed.

The Committee will notify authors as soon as possible but no later than June 30, 2019 about their decision for each paper submitted to: accept for presentation and publication, accept for presentation and publication subject to revision, accept for publication only, accept for publication only subject to revision or decline.

VII. Publication

The SOA and other sponsoring organizations reserve the right to publish and copyright all accepted papers. In addition, excerpts or synopses of the papers may be published for promotional purposes.

It should be noted that once a paper has been accepted for publication, the SOA owns the copyright for that paper. If the author wishes to publish or distribute the paper or any portion thereof elsewhere, permission must be obtained from the SOA to do so.

VIII. Questions

Please direct questions regarding this Call for Papers to:

Ronora Stryker, ASA, MAAA
SOA Research Actuary
ph: +1-847-706-3614