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Actuarial Tables, Calculators & Modeling Tools

Having the right tools within reach helps you complete your everyday actuarial tasks with ease. The Society of Actuaries (SOA) offers many tables and tools, including mortality tables, calculators and modeling tools on risk topics. Topics covered include health care, pension plans, longevity and risk management.


  • Academy Interest Rate Generators
    The American Academy of Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries (SOA) have joined resources to manage the economic scenario generators used in regulatory reserve and capital calculations.
  • Annuity Factor Calculator
    The Society of Actuaries (SOA) developed the Annuity Factor Calculator to calculate an annuity factor using user-selected annuity forms, mortality tables and projection scales commonly used for defined benefit pension plans in the United States or Canada. This tool is designed to calculate relatively simple annuity factors for users who are accustomed to making actuarial calculations for defined benefit pension plans in the United States or Canada.
  • Disability Morbidity Tables Excel Workbook
    The Individual Disability Insurance Experience Committee has prepared a 2000-07 experience report. The same data was used to develop an experience basic table, an updated Disability Morbidity Tables Excel Workbook and other associated documentation.
  • Experience Study Calculations Educational Tool
    The Society of Actuaries’ Exposure Calculations Project Oversight Group has completed its paper, which presents and explains the methods for determining rates based on experience, such as mortality and claim utilization rates.
  • Health Plan Provider Network Risk
    The Health Section Research Team is pleased to make available the following research study and Excel model that provide a framework for estimating the financial impact of health plan provider network risk.
  • 2012 Individual Annuity Reserving Report & Table
    The SOA’s Payout Annuity Table Team (Team), as requested by the NAIC’s Life Actuarial Task Force (LATF), produced a new annuity valuation mortality table, including the projection scales and margins necessary to make the table suitable for standard valuation purposes for individual annuities.
  • Longevity Illustrator
    Developed by the American Academy of Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries, the Longevity Illustrator is designed to provide you with perspectives on your longevity risk—the uncertainty of how long you and your spouse/partner might live.
  • Modeling Long Term Healthcare Cost Trends
    A resource model for the projection of long term healthcare cost trends. The model projects per-person expenditures and growth rates through 2099 using a set of equations and assumptions.
  • Model of Long-Term Health Care Cost Trends in Canada
    The Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) and the Society of Actuaries (SOA) are pleased to make available a resource model that provides long-run (to 2050 and beyond) forecasts of health care spending in Canada.
  • Mortality and Other Rate Tables (MORT)
    The Mortality and Other Rate Tables (MORT) application was developed by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) to provide easy electronic access to a variety of rate tables of interest to actuaries and others. As of 2014, the inventory of rate tables available via this database numbers over 2,500 and encompasses SOA experience mortality and lapse tables, regulatory valuation tables, population tables and various international tables.
  • Multiemployer Plan Metrics Calculator
    Quickly calculate and output metrics on more than 1,200 U.S. multiemployer pension plans. The MPM Calculator uses data from the U.S. Department of Labor Form 5500. The MPM Calculator can output the previous benefit cost (PBC), previous benefit cost ratio (PBCR), and other defined metrics.
  • A Practitioner’s Guide to Statistical Mortality Graduation
    This paper outlines a statistical modeling framework for fitting mortality laws to mortality experience data. The process can be used as an alternative to traditional graduation techniques used in mortality table development.
  • Relative Risk Tool
    RR Tool helps actuaries determine the appropriate Relative Risk (RR) tables. Use RR tables in conjunction with determination of Principles Based Reserves (PBR).
  • Retirement Income Calculator—Beta Version
    The software was developed as a pedagogical tool to help demonstrate the impact of a change in Retirement Income strategy on potential financial outcomes. A user can consider various strategies of longevity and asset performance risk transferal and observe the resulting changes on a range of modeled outcomes.
  • Retirement Probability Analyzer Software
    The software explores in great detail the fundamental question of whether one will run out of money before dying, while maintaining a desired standard of living. The software has been written to compute probabilities associated with a variety of retirement investment and spending strategies.
  • A System to Evaluate and Compare Defined Contribution Plans
    A research project to develop an actuarial framework that could be used by employers and employees to assess defined contribution (DC) retirement plan benefits.
  • Table Development
    The Society of Actuaries has created this report as a reference document to assist actuaries in the creation of experienced-based tables for mortality rates, lapse rates, incidence rates, severity rates, and much more.
  • Table Manager
    The Society of Actuaries has decided that future maintenance of its database of tables will make use of the XtbML file format for each table.