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2020 Living to 100 Call For Essays

Background and Content

This call for essays seeks to expand and complement the topic areas generated by the recently closed 2020 Living to 100 call for research papers (CFP). While many quality ideas were submitted, the CFP failed to generate many papers focusing on recent old age mortality and mortality improvement trends, and social issues on aging populations. With this in mind, the SOA Committee on Living to 100 Research Symposia is issuing this call for essays to gather data, thoughts and opinions on these subject areas

The following are suggested areas/topics and questions for respondents to consider.   The list is neither exhaustive nor intended to be restrictive:

  • Recent trends in old age mortality and mortality improvement
    • What is happening with old age mortality rates and mortality improvement? How do the trends vary by region?
    • What are the current drivers of older age mortality and mortality improvement, how have they changed from the past and how are they expected to change in the future? How do the drivers vary by region?
    • How are life expectancies changing from the past? What is the outlook for the future? Will US/North America be different than the rest of the world?
  • How will society care for the elderly in the future and how does this differ from today?
    • How has the role of families in providing care for the elderly changed?
    • What changes in government and private infrastructures will be needed?
    • What will housing for the elderly look like?
    • What types of products and services will develop?
    • How could technology help?
  • How does society benefit from the elderly currently and how could this change in the future?
    • How can society maximize the benefits it receives from the elderly?
    • Will the pre-2008 trend to earlier retirement resume or will people work longer?


January 2, 2019: Call for essays issued

March 15, 2019: Deadline for submission of essays

March 15 - April 30, 2019: Review of essays and selection by April 30, 2019.

Length and Instructions For Submission

Essays must be submitted in English with a length requirement of between 1,000 and 3,000 words. In the event that an essay exceeds 3,000 words, the essay may be declined or returned to the author with a request for further editing and resubmission. There is no requirement for formal or extensive footnoting.

Author information must be submitted with the essay and include name; credentials or designations (if appropriate); title; organization/company; e-mail address; and phone number. Please provide all author information at the beginning of the essay.

Essays that contain any overt political statements, commercial content, and other inappropriate material will not be accepted. Articles must comply with the SOA's antitrust guidelines.

Please submit your essay via e–mail by March 15, 2019 to:

Jan Schuh, Sr. Research Administrator

Society of Actuaries


Publication and Presentation

The review committee will select essays to be presented at the upcoming Living to 100 Symposium, January 13-15, 2020 in Orlando and published in an online monograph.  Consideration will be given to creativity, originality and the extent to which an idea could contribute to the further development of solutions. 

Other essays may also be selected for publication or presentation at other SOA meetings, webcasts, or other professional development events.  In addition, other venues for publication or presentation of the ideas outside of the SOA will be considered.

It is hoped that the publication and/or presentation of the essays will further knowledge and stimulate discussion.

Rights Granted

Please understand that by submitting an essay for consideration, the essay author(s) is granting to the Society of Actuaries an unlimited license to print or republish their essay, with proper attribution given to the author. 


Please direct any questions regarding this Call for Essays to:

Ronora Stryker, Research Actuary
Society of Actuaries
ph: +1-847-706-3614