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Procedures for C.B.T. Exam Day

The staff at each Prometric Testing Center follows designated procedures to ensure that the operation of the test center meets the SOA/CIA criteria for standardized testing. Because of the importance of actuarial exams, numerous security measures will be enforced during the test administrations. Strict identification requirements have been established. You will be observed at all times while taking the examination. This observation will include direct observation by test center staff as well as video and audio monitoring of the examination session.

Plan to arrive at the testing center at least 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment to allow time for check-in procedures. If you are late in arriving, you may not be allowed to test, thus forfeiting your appointment and examination fee. If you forfeit your appointment, you will be required to register and pay the examination fee again. Waiting areas at the Prometric Testing Centers are small. Friends or relatives who accompany you to the test center will not be permitted to wait in the test center or contact you while you are taking the examination.

The following activities will occur when you arrive at the Prometric Testing Center for your appointment:

  1. You must present a valid government-issued identification that includes your name, photograph and signature. Please review our identification policy very carefully.
  2. You will be asked to sign-in at the center. Your signature will be compared to the identification that you present. You will be asked to sign your name every time you enter or leave the testing area within the center.
  3. IDs presented will be scanned to ensure validity, and an image of the ID will be captured.
  4. You will be required to leave your personal belongings outside the testing room except your identification. No food or water is permitted in the test room. Cell phones, pagers, and all other electronic devices are prohibited. Secure storage will be provided. You must keep your identification with you at all times. If you leave the testing room for any reason, you will be required to show the test administrator your identification to be readmitted to the room. Storage space is small, so you should plan appropriately. Do not take large bags, textbooks, notebooks, or any other unnecessary items to the test center. Prometric Testing Centers assume no responsibility for your personal belongings.
  5. Only authorized electronic calculators listed below will be allowed into the test room. You may use the battery or solar-powered models of the following Texas Instruments calculators.
    • BA-35
    • BA II Plus
    • BA II Plus Professional
    • TI-30Xa
    • TI-30X II (IIS solar or IIB battery)
    • TI-30XS MultiView (or XB battery)

    You may use more than one of the approved calculators during the examination. For those using the BA II Plus, BA II Plus Professional, TI-30X II (IIS solar or IIB battery), or TI-30XS MultiView (or XB battery) models, you will be required to show test proctors that the memory has been cleared prior to the start of the examination. For the BA II Plus and BA II Plus Professional, clearing will reset the calculator to the factory default settings. Calculator cover and instructions cannot be brought into the examination room.

    The calculator must be removed from its carrying case so the proctor can confirm it is an approved model. Any unauthorized calculator brought to the test center will not be permitted in the test room. If you use a calculator other than the approved models, for any reason, you will be subject to examination disqualification and other disciplinary action.

  6. The test administrator will give you a short orientation and will then escort you to a computer terminal. You must remain in your seat during the examination, except when authorized to leave by a proctor. Once the timed section of the exam begins, it will run uninterrupted until time expires—time will continue to run even when you have permission to leave your seat.
  7. At the beginning of the exam, you will be required to agree to the terms and conditions of the Confidentiality and Conduct Agreement and review a pre-exam tutorial.
  8. The test administrator will provide you with two pencils and one 52-page unlined Scratch Booklet. You may request as many Scratch Booklets and pencils as necessary, but must return the used Booklet when asking for a new one as test center policy dictates that you may have only one Scratch Booklet at a time. If you fill up the Scratch Booklet or need a new pencil, you should raise your hand and the test administrator will take the old Scratch Booklet or pencil and provide a new one. You should manage your work to ensure that you do not turn in a booklet with a problem in progress. Removing a Scratch Booklet from the test center is considered an act of misconduct.
  9. Special information or tables for distribution can be found on-screen under Exhibit for Exams P, IFM, STAM, and PA.
  10. You may not write nor use a calculator prior to beginning the timed section of the exam when the first live exam question appears on the screen. This will take place after the completion of the tutorial.
  11. Raise your hand to notify the test administrator if you:
  12. Disposable earplugs or noise canceling headphones will be available from the administrator.
  13. The computerized clock that times your specific exam will continue to run and will not be turned off for unplanned, unscheduled breaks. If there is a power outage, the exam timer will also freeze so that the candidate will not lose exam time or completed questions. The test will resume at the point where it left off when power is restored.
  14. A 15-minute warning will appear on your screen 15 minutes prior to the end of the timed exam—click “OK” to continue. Exam PA, the time alerts will appear when 60 minutes, 30 minutes and 10 minutes remain in the examination. After your examination is finished, you will be asked to complete a brief, post-exam survey about your testing experience. The preliminary test result will appear after the post-exam survey, Exam PA will not receive the preliminary test result. A diagnostic representation is provided if the result shows you were unsuccessful in achieving the passing score, Exam PA will not receive the diagnostic representation. (Note: exams that have recently been changed, the Preliminary Test/Instant Results and the Diagnostic Representation are suspended for a few exam sessions since post-exam analysis will be required by the examination committee. Instead, results will be released on the SOA website approximately 8 weeks after each testing window ends.)
  15. If you have any additional comments about your testing experience, you are encouraged to send your comments directly to Prometric.
  16. Dress comfortably for the exam. As test room temperatures and personal comfort zones vary, it is recommended that you bring a sweater or jacket to the sessions.

If you experience any technical difficulties during the exam or if there are weather emergencies or other unforeseen events that affect a test center’s operation, please see the  Technical Difficulties and Test Center Closings section.