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2017 Candidate Questionnaire - James M. Glickman, FSA 1984, MAAA

Sue Sames

James M. Glickman, FSA 1984, MAAA

President and CEO
LifeCare Assurance Company, Woodland Hills, CA

Brief Description of the type of work you currently do:

I have been the president, and CEO of LifeCare Assurance Company since 1988. During that time, LifeCare has grown from a start up with $3 million of borrowed capital to a national leader in reinsurance and administration of LTCi, with $2.5 billion of assets, $300 million of annual reinsurance premiums and GAAP equity of $450 million. Prior to 1988, I spent 16 years with five insurance companies, working my way up from an actuarial student in 1972 to VP/actuary in 1988, when I left to become the founder of LifeCare.

Primary Area of Practice:

Long Term Care Insurance; Reinsurance

Other Areas of Practice/Interests:

Investments, Taxation

Ethics and Transparency

Ethics and transparency are essential to professional practice and service on the board. How have you demonstrated ethics and transparency in the past? How will your own ethics and views on transparency influence your decisions and actions as a member of the SOA board?


As you review the responsibilities of the President-Elect job description, the 2017-2021 strategic plan and 2017 initiatives, describe how you will work together with the officers, board members, committee chairs, volunteers, executive director, and staff to fulfill your presidential responsibilities and advance the direction of SOA.

Describe a recent situation where you have facilitated a diverse group of people in moving a significant project to the next stage of completion.


In your presidential role you will act as an ambassador for SOA, its members, and the profession. Provide examples of how you would fulfill this responsibility during your term of office and describe a current situation in which you have successfully acted as an ambassador for an organization or institution.


As you focus on the future direction of SOA and the profession, explain your approach to setting the direction for both especially in the global arena.

Professional Background

Provide a brief description of your professional background and the type of work you currently do and explain how these experiences have prepared you for the Presidential role.

Volunteer and Governance Experience

Describe how your previous volunteer, personal, and governance experiences would strengthen your contributions to the SOA Board and organization.